Review: Deep Tech by Eric Redmond
A colleague recommended this with specific regard to the information-architecture concerns raised in its chapters on AI and XR.
I was pleasantly surprised to find “bonus” IA priorities discussed too in the section about 3d printing, whose success of course depends on printers (aka makers) having a shared, consistent library of component designs governed under internationally-recognised licenses.
Additionally the fortunate timing of this read, which coincided with virtually Chris Fregly’s talk for Big Data Ldn, meant I benefitted hugely from its chapter on “Picking Quantum Locks” which goes into detail on the precise (or imprecise!) mechanics of the Quantum Processing Units being rolled out at AWS and competitor cloud platforms to enable Quantum Machine Learning.
Chapter titles:
- What is Deep Tech?
- “It’s Just Artificial Intelligence”
- Extended Reality
- Blockchain, Crypto, and Hysteria
- Internet of All The Things
- The Once and Future AV
- Beyond 3d Printing
- Picking Quantum Locks (+ sub-chapter “Spin and Uncertainty”)
- Denouement… including a list of the topics that didn’t make the shortlist:
- Autonomous robots
- Drones and flying cars
- Commercial space travel
- Next gen materials incl graphene and borophene
- Nanotec
- Gen resequencing incl crispr cas9
- Synthetic biology
- Xenobots (living robots)
- Seabased tech (floating farms & cities)
- Power generation
The (highly listenable) audiobook is narrated by Patrick O’Connell.